Gemini is represented by the twins Castor and Pollux in Greek mythology, symbolizing their dual nature. Individuals born between May 21 and June 20 fall under this sign. Geminis are known for their quick wit, charm, and versatility. They have a natural gift for communication and are able to easily adapt to any social situation.

One of the key traits of a Gemini is their dual personalities. They can be sociable and outgoing one minute, and introspective and contemplative the next. This can sometimes lead to indecisiveness, as they struggle to choose between their conflicting thoughts and feelings.

Geminis are also highly curious individuals who thrive on mental stimulation. They are constantly seeking new knowledge and experiences, making them lifelong learners. Their adaptability allows them to navigate different social circles with ease, making them popular and well-liked among their peers.

In conclusion, Geminis are dynamic individuals with a zest for life and a thirst for knowledge. Their dual personalities, communication skills, and adaptability make them stand out in any crowd.#25#